A veterans guide exclusive. My first political design of the season.
This was not my first time at the show so I wasn't too nervous.I walked through the double locked and double door entry hall way and was greated by an unfriendly black man who took my vitals. I was given a room and some basic essentials as my things were locked up in a storage area for patient belongings. I was a little worried about my phone, tablet, wallet or cash being stolen by fortunately this did not happen to me. I sat in my room with another veteran who shared the small drab dorm like room. This guy had been in for just a few days and proudly proclaimed that he was getting the fuck out of there quick and never coming back to the Veterans Affairs for healthcare again. I took this with a grain of salt. I didn't want to get too worked up about what might or might not happen while I was in the VA for psychiatric reasons. My treatment goals were to change medications, specifically my anti depressant medication. I had been taking lexapro daily for one year and the medication kind of pooped out on me despite efforts to max out the dosage. I had to tackle the suicidal ideation and I wanted to inquire about using a service dog for my condition, PTSD. Visit my service dog website at: Please Visit Military PTSD Service Dog Website Here More coming soon!